xhosb 发表于 2016-7-12 00:00:52



高桂梅[①] 傅淳[②]

(云南师范大学 教育科学与管理学院 昆明 650092)

摘 要:以昆明市五华区中班幼儿为例,探讨离异家庭和非离异家庭幼儿在气质各维度上是否存在显著差异。采用NYLS《3—7岁儿童气质量表》对昆明市五华区大观幼儿园、二十幼、碧江路幼儿园、师大附幼全体中班幼儿家长进行测查,随机抽取离异家庭和非离异家庭幼儿问卷各30份进行分析。结果显示离异家庭和非离异家庭幼儿在反应强度、适应度、趋避性、规律性维度存在显著差异,其它维度没有显著差异。得出结论:幼儿气质具有年龄的稳定性和持续性,同时受环境因素的影响可发生改变,家庭离异对幼儿气质的发展存在影响。

The baby characteristic of temperament compares and analysis between the divorced family and non-divorced family

----------Take the middle shift of kindergarten baby of Kunming city Wuhua area as an example

Gaoguimei Fuchun

(The normal university of Yunnan Kunming 650095)

The abstract: Discussion divorce family and non-divorced family baby in Temperament various latitudes whether to have the remarkable difference. Useing NYLS "3-7 Year-old Child Makings Meter" to the Kunming Wuhwa Area Big View Kindergarten, 20 kindergarten, the Bijiang road kindergarten, the normal university attaches the young all middle shift baby guardian to carry on measures looks up, the draw an item at random divorce family and non-divorced family baby questionnaire each 30 analy. The divorce family and the non-divorced family baby in the response intensity, the sufficiency, hastens out of the way, the regular latitude existence remarkable difference, other latitudes do not have the remarkable difference. The baby temperament has the age stability and the endurance, simultaneously receives the environmental factor change, the family divorce to the baby makings exists influence.

Key words:child;Temperament;divorced family;Non-divorced family



在心理学视野里,气质是个体对环境事件的情感和行为反应模式的特征,是高级神经活动类型特点在人的行为活动方式上的表现。国内外学者一致认为:气质虽主要决定于生物基础,但它与其它心理和生理特征一样,在自身的发展过程中以及环境的刺激下有发生改变的特点。现在全国普遍的离婚率上升,家庭离异对子女的恶性影响日益浮出水面,大量研究证明,家庭离异可引起儿童气质各维度比重的改变,儿童较容易产生自卑、冷漠、孤僻、怯懦、焦虑、粗暴等不良情绪,从而影响性格特征发生变化,甚至引起青少年时期发生犯罪行为。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 后1页
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查看完整版本: 离异与非离异家庭幼儿气质特点的调查研究_婴幼儿心理健康教育